These are second most popular aquarium fish after gold fish. These are freshwater fish having big and beautiful fins ranging from several colors like white,green,blue etc. These are also know as fighter fish because of their aggressive nature towards same species.When ever 2 males are present in same tank they fight with each other until one of them dies in the battle.They will flare out their gills cover and erect their fins ,showing their fighting posture.This is extremely fun to watch but i am not encouraging you to fix a fight because i love fishes and i don't want that any of them dies.
To see their fighting posture you can introduce a mirror in tank through which your fighter fish will think that this is another fish and it will show fighting posture.Males are generally more colorful and have larger fins as compared to females.
Favourite thing about :
The most good thing about i like about these fishes is that they are extremely beautiful and also they can survive in water with very low oxygen content.They have labyrinth organ so they have special capability to take oxygen directly from air above the water.So they can do well in small tanks and also with less oxygen supply.Due to this reason i have seen many aquarium dealer who put them in beaker who's size is about few inches which i really hate.
Diet:They are omnivorous,but they extremely love live food.
Size:Adult size 3 inches(7 cm)
Life span:2-5 years in captivity
Origin: Cambodia, Thailand
Tank size: Minimum 2 or3 gallons .
Temperature: 24-30(C)
Breeding : Egg layer ,males form bubble nest,could be risky because females should be introduce at right time otherwise male will harass her to death,but can be carried out in small aquarium.
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Tank region: Top
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