Thursday, December 30, 2010

Freshwater Aquarium Plants

freshwater aquarium plants
Choosing a freshwater aquarium plants for your aquarium does not have to be done lightly. By reducing the level of nitrate in the aquarium, providing refuge for fish timid and shy, making the aquarium look good, help reduce algae growth and for supplying local breed for breeding, the plant had a beneficial effect on both the environment of the aquarium and the fish itself.

Adding aquarium plants to your aquarium can be a good idea because these plants use the nitrates that may be difficult for your tropical fish if your nitrate level is high enough. When all is said and done plastic plants will never be able to compete with the beauty of real life plants.

Some are easier to manage than others. The Java Fern, Vallisneria spiralis polysperma Hygrophila and is one of the more powerful aquarium plants.

Before you start your plant adventures you have to make some decisions.

Water Parameters

Aquarium plants and tropical fish are identical in their requirements when looking at the water parameters. different water conditions required by different aquarium plants. Plants that you want to require certain water conditions so it is important to know this. Make sure that for every plant that you know the preferred ph, water hardness and level of illumination.

Good substrate

For your plants to survive is essential to have a good substrate. You can put some plants directly into the gravel but you can also put plants in the plantation clay. If you place your plants directly into the gravel you will need to use iron supplement for your aquarium water because these plants will not get the nutrients they need from clay iron-fortified.

aquarium plants
Good Lighting

bad lighting is one of the main reasons why plants do not perform well in the aquarium. In general, 20 -30 watts of lighting that comes as standard with many of the fish tank is really not adequate. Each plant will require different lighting levels, is usually measured in watts per gallon. If you want your plants to grow you have to consider this measure in order for photosynthesis takes place. CO2 is also needed for photosynthesis. Fish respiration process that occurs in an aquarium may produce enough CO2. However, if you have a heavy planted tank, you might want to get a CO2 injector for your aquarium because you will not get enough CO2 from your fish.

Fish Compatibility
certain fish species will make an aquarium plant keeping nightmare. For example, Silver Dollar really enjoy biting on live plants, too, will enjoy the Oscars and Goldfish aquarium plants even revoke your place in the tank. If you already have fish, do research on your particular species of plant life before starting your journey.

Before buying any plants that you should find out their exact needs and whether you are able to provide those needs, if not, you will be wasting money.

Finally, you should eat your plants with fresh water plant food special. I usually feed mine about once a week.
aquarium plants nice
Some Features of Plant

All looks fantastic in the aquarium and only a few require a very high level of illumination.

1. Java Ferns. pH 5.5 to 7.5, temp. 20-28 Celsius, water hardness 2-15 degrees, tolerates low light levels. This is better associated with driftwood floating rather than planted in the gravel.
2. Amazon Sword. pH 6.5 to 7.5, temp. 22-28 Celsius, water hardness 2-15 degrees, Lighting 50 watts per 25 water air bubbles. This should be planted in loose substrate and supplemented with iron fertilizer.
3. Argentina Sword. pH 6.5 to 7.5, temp. 16-25 Celsius, Water hardness 1-5 degrees, Lighting 50 watts per 25 water air bubbles. It must be equipped with iron fertilizer and planted in loose substrate.
4. Hygrophila Polysperma. pH 6.5 to 8.0, temp. 20-30 Celsius, water hardness 2-15 degrees, Lighting 50 watts per 25 water air bubbles. small red or green leaf atanding at 24 inches, they must be placed in the middle of the back of the tank so they have room to grow.
5. Umbrella Plant. ph 5.0 to 7.0, temp. 22-25 Celsius, water hardness 4-12 degrees, Intense Lighting. They could be anywhere between 8-12 inches tall. They have a tall, thin stems with tiny leaves at the top of each stem that branches to form stars. They will die if completely submerged in water aquarium because they do not actually water plants. You can have a beautiful green plants as part of fish habitat-Just you grow plants on the surface and drown the roots below.
6. Vallisneria spiralis. pH 6.5 to 7.5, temp. 15-30 Celsius, water hardness 5-15 degrees, Lighting 50 watts per 50 water air bubbles. Vallisneria spiralis can grow to 24 inches long and like the grass. Because Vallisneria spiralis not too fussy with water parameters, it is a good choice to start the aquarists. These plants look best along the sides or back of your aquarium
7. Anubias Barteri. pH 6.5 to 7.5, temp. 22-28 Celsius, water hardness 8 degrees, Lighting Moderate. Anubias Barteri has broad green leaves that grows by 16 inches long. They grow best with CO2 fertilization.
8. Other options include a low light: Cryptocoryne, Dwarf Hairgrass, Water Sprite, Anacharis, and Cabomba.

Selecting an Aquarium

selecting aquarium
People often wonder what the "best" for aquarium planted tank. "Best" has different meanings for different people, so the answer that is just an opinion, just like us. Try to right selecting an aquarium for your place. We will try to define our criteria for "best" as we go along. One thing we do not consider as part of the criteria is cost, although this is a major consideration for many aquarists. If cost is a problem, you can read our advice and then try to find a tank that is used the appropriate bill. Check newspaper classified ads for used tanks - usually there are quite a lot and the price offered is usually very flexible.


Generally, the bigger the better but there are some practical problems. How much space do you have? How long your hand? How much weight can the floor you continue? How much money do you have? Remember, the bigger the tank, the more expensive all the other necessary items will.

If space is not a problem, try to find a tank that is at least 48 "(120 cm) long main reason is lighting -. The best and cheapest fluorescent lamps come in 48" long. short lamps are available but there is a more limited choice of types and spectrum. Also, short light tend to not "instant start" and can cause problems with some ballast. Finally, short light tend to be more expensive. If you can find the tank a little longer than 48 ", all the better A 48." Bulb and a pair of end cap or bulb holder may be slightly longer than 48 "and will not fit in the hood that outside dimensions of 48". Most tank manufacturers do not seem to realize that planted tanks require several watts enough to be successful and distinctive pair 18 "20 watt bulbs will not work!

We really like the 60 "(150 cm) long tank. It is a common European size but 60" long acrylic tank can be found in the United States I believe one of the manufacturers make 60 "glass tank, but it may be a special order. Extra length allows fits 48 "fluorescent lights in the hood without any problems. 12 Extra "also seems to create a visual display that is big enough also when we sat near the aquarium to observe it,. We seem to take a distance from the tank that allows us to see the goal of a 48" tank with our peripheral vision but the 60 "tank just enough long so that we do not notice expires. This gives the optical illusion that the tank lasts forever!


More broadly tank is the better you can aquascape it. Having more width allows you to plant height of different layers of the background to the background. This gives a very good look and really make the aquarium look wider than they are.

Minimum width, we would recommend is 18 "(45 cm). Unfortunately, the most common and most expensive 48" long tank in the U.S. is the standard "55" gallon tank. The "55" only 13 "wide and very limited in what you can do with aquascaping you need. Consider a" 55 "only if the cost is a major factor in your decision. A 75 gallon tank is the size we would recommend as the smallest" The best "tank sizes.

A 24 "wide tank is very interesting and our next recommendation. Extra 6" seem more than it actually is when you begin to arrange the plants, rocks and driftwood. When you initially bring the plant home from the store, they looked very small and difficult to buy enough to fill the space. But after several months of growth, you will realize how much space a few larger plants to take when they are adults! A 24 "wide tank will be a large space for their" plant shows "you've always wanted.

larger tanks are available but should be considered carefully. Plants require a lot of maintenance, especially pruning and replanting. You may find it very difficult to reach the back of lower than 30 "(75 cm) wide tank, especially if it is higher than 18". Some people we know have a large tank like that and they are reported to have a bath before work in the tank for fear of poisoning fish with underarm deodorant! If you are thinking of a larger tank, try it in the store first. Make sure you set at the height would have at home and pretend you are working in the tank. Relying on it for 30 minutes to see how his back feels.


This higher plant tanks are better able to grow to their full height (or more precisely, can grow taller than they should.) We have found that all the plant stem will grow at least 18 "tall, even that is not supposed to according to plant book. Having a higher tank means more time between trimming and better proportions overall.

We would not recommend going less than 18 "(too restrictive) or more than 24" (difficult access). Also, if the tank is more than 24 ", you will have more problems with the right lighting and may have to resort to expensive metal halide system depth is our favorite. 22".


There are two types of aquariums that are available: glass and acrylic.


Glass is generally more expensive up to 120 gallons or so but it will be much heavier than acrylic if the glass is more than 1 / 8 "thick (as is typical in a standard" 55 ") tank, Most of the 48." Like 75 or 90, use 1 / 2 "glass A 120g tank (48x24x24) and 250 pounds empty weight. Can be very awkward to transport and move around. Make sure you have a few, large muscular friend if you go with something like this.

More resistant to scratches from acrylic glass but still could be scratched if you are not careful. A little rust on the razor you can leave some scratches as can be "pot scrubber" type material. Unlike acrylic, scratches in glass can not be polished out. Even worse, scratches inside will be very visible. Scratches on the inside of an acrylic tank is largely obscured.

If you are planning on drilling holes in the tank to the filter pipe, make sure your glass panel will try to drilling was not angry. It is very difficult to successfully drill tempered glass!


Acrylic has several advantages over the glass. The first thing you remember is the larger acrylic tank is much lighter than similar sized glass tank. Acrylic is clearer than glass - you will not see as much green (unless you pay a large amount of money for custom optical glass tank!). In the long 60 "or less, the tank has acrylic front and sides are formed from one part of the material - there are round the corner instead of a glued joint butt That's usually the first thing people comment on when they see the acrylic tank for the first time. Time.

There are some disadvantages. Acrylic will scratch much easier than glass, so if you have children or pets with paws you might want to avoid. Shallow scratches can be polished out with fine polishing compound and patience. Scratches in the tank is usually not a problem because the refractive index of acrylic is very close to the water - scratches "disappear" when they are under water! After a few years, you may notice that the inside of the tank when it is dry run away (during water changes, for example). This is due to the abrasive action is very little special cleaning pad that is used to remove algae from the inside. But this haze is also lost when wet.

When we bought our first acrylic tank in 1972, we were worried about getting the algae from the front - clear, plain razor is not recommended. We believe that algae will not grow in acrylic. Well, let me assure you that the algae would not grow in acrylic! But, fortunately enough, do not stick as well as in the glass. Algae hardest part is the small green spots that grow in the aquarium. This paper directly from acrylic with a white buffing pads but need a razor to remove from glass.

Drilling holes for the filter in the acrylic tank is not a problem. A hole saw can be used for slow speed drill and the tooth saved enough to see lubricated and cooled with water. During the acrylic does not melt as you drill, no problems.

The biggest drawback with acrylic tank is the top plate that is used for power. Unlike glass tank completely open on top or have a small center brace, an acrylic tank has a section on top with solid acrylic pieces for various purposes. This limits access to the tank to some degree. Make sure the tank you buy has a sufficient opening for the filter, heater cables and whatever else you use. Also make sure the main access hole big enough for you to easily work in the tank. If you buy a large stone or piece of driftwood, make sure it will fit through access holes! We bought a large piece of driftwood so that will not be included in the access hole. Before I started cutting it, I made a cardboard mockup of the tank and the access hole so I can remove just enough material from driftwood, but not too much! source aquatic concepts

Water chemistry freshwater fish

water chemistry
Anyone who wants to succeed in the hobby of tropical fish have filed the necessary time to understand some basic chemistry of water fish tank. This will help your fish to not only survive but to grow!

I recommend that you get a good aquarium water testing kit or kits of many individuals. You will need a kit that will test as follows:

* Ammonia
* Nitrite
* Nitrate
* PH
* Water Hardness
* Chlorine / chloramine

Aerobic Bacteria
This is a bacteria that need oxygen to live.

Anaerobic Bacteria
This is a bacteria that can live without the presence of oxygen, or bacteria that do not require oxygen.

This chemical is the result of fish waste and rotting food in the aquarium. Ammonia is a major killer of tropical fish. new tank that will go through cycles or so tanks stocked aquarium will show ammonia readings with your test equipment. Ideally, we want to read to become ammonia 0 ppm.

Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia. It is a powerful disinfectant than chlorine alone and used in areas where this is required additional disinfectant. Like chlorine, you must remove chemicals from your tap water before adding it to your aquarium or tropical fish also will kill you.

This chemical is found in most tap water and used to kill the bad bacteria in our drinking water. Clorine must be removed before entering your aquarium or it will kill your tropical fish.

This metal can come up with tap water if you have older copper pipes. It can also get introduced to your tank if you have used any drug-based copper. Copper can be very dangerous for fish and invertebrates.

Nitrite is converted to nitrate during the cycling process. Nitrates are not toxic like ammonia or nitrites but their harmful and will stress your fish at a high enough level. The only way to remove nitrate is through partial water changes. Ideally you want to have a test kit readings of less than 20 ppm in fresh water tank and even less in salt water tank.

Ammonia is converted to nitrite by bacteria in your tank. Nitrite levels will soar in new tanks that have not been cycling. Nitrite just as toxic to tropical fish as ammonia and the only way to quickly reduce the levels of nitrite is through water changes. Nitrite eventually will be converted to nitrate by bacteria that grow in the tank and filters. Ideally, the tank is established you want to read this to 0 ppm with a test kit aquarium.

Nitrogen Cycle
This cycle usually takes 2-8 weeks to complete and will occur in all the new aquarium. You can speed up the process by using a filter material or gravel from an established tank. Even then he still could take several weeks for the tank to cycle. It is a cycle in which ammonia is converted into Nitrite and Nitrate Nitrite is converted to. Please read the article Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle for more information.

Ammonia -> Nitrite - Nitrate>
pH is a scale used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of water. Range 0-14 scale with 0 the most acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being the most alkaline. It is possible to raise or lower your pH levels with changes in water or chemicals from a local shop for your pet.

Phosphates can be introduced into your aquarium mainly from tap water, dead plants and fish food. High phosphate levels can cause algae outbreaks. There are products on the market to remove phosphate and you can do your part by keeping up with maintenance of your aquarium and do regular water changes. Saltwater reef tank guards and watchmen freshwater plants may want to invest in a phosphate test kit.

This is the amount of salt dissolved in water and measured with a hydrometer.

Specific gravity
This is a measurement of the density of the amount of salt dissolved in salt water than fresh water. Explained another way, salty water consists of the elements more than fresh water. Density measurements show us how salt water is heavier or more dense than fresh water.

Water Hardness
The level of water hardness has to do with the amount of minerals dissolved in water. Calcium and magnesium are the major minerals dissolved in tap water. "Soft" mineral water soluble minerals have relatively little while "hard" water soluble lot. Water hardness does not really matter unless you are excessively soft water. Then you might have a problem with pH levels of escape. For saltwater aquariums this is especially true. Violence carbonate from sea water to give a good indication of how stable your pH.

Fish Anatomy

anatomy fish
This Fish anatomy in the body fish.

Body shape

There is a tremendous diversity of fish in the world. Each of these species adapting to life in a particular habitat. By examining the body shape of fish, aquariast can learn a lot about fish habitat.

Entire Body

Body shape is one of the best indicators in determining the fish environment. Surface dwelling fish have a mouth upside down, a flat back. Tall, laterally compressed species such as Discus and Angelfish, which is adjusted to life in the slow-moving waters. Slender, torpedo-shaped fish better adapted to the moving waters. Bottom-living fish have been flatten the stomach and mouth inferior. Some residents have changed the basic-swim bladder so they "hop" along the substrate rather than swim.


There are three general location of the mouth of the fish often show feeding habits of these species. Surface feeding fish usually have an undershot, reverse (superior) mouth to feed on insects. Feeding fish in mid water has a terminal mouth, which is usually regarded as "normal" fish mouth. Predator fish usually have a wide mouth, while the omnivorous fish have smaller mouths. Bottom feeding fish generally have underslung mouth or lower. Often, species eat bottom is also equipped with a mustache ("whiskers"), a tactile and taste organs are used for forage in dark or muddy waters. Some fish underwater, especially Loricarids, has a suction-cup like mouth to hoarse on algae, wood, plants, or mud (for small invertebrates).


The fins are used for movement, stability, nest-building, spawning, and as a tactile organ. Fins may be single or in pairs. Many fish aquarium hobby has seen in a long, drawn out fins, which have been developed through selective breeding. In nature, this fin is not found.

Caudal fin or tail used for propulsion. Fish that have forked tail fin-swimmers regularly fast. Fish that have been rounded tail fin is able to act fast fish as predators. Large, elongated tail fin which is often used to attract mates.

Single anal fin located at the bottom of the body just forward of the tail fin. Anal fin serves to stabilize the fish while swimming. long anal fin that moves in waves used for propulsion.

Stomach or abdomen paired fins located forward of the anal fin. Ventral fins are used to provide further stability in swimming. Sometimes the fins are modified as long, thread-like fins are used as a tactile organ. Then the pelvic fins are used by the catfish Corydoras to hold the eggs during spawning.

Paired pectoral fins located near the gill cover and is used to maneuver the fish. These fins have been adapted, in the case of some species under the sea, so fish can sustain themselves or even take a walk over or under water. Sometimes the pectoral fins are equipped with spines for defense.

Single dorsal fin located on the back of the fish and serve to help balance the fish while swimming. Fin rays are often sharp, and the spine is often present.

Adipose fin is a small fin was found between the dorsal and tail on some fish.

Body covering

Most fish are covered with scales, which protect the body. Some fish such as catfish have bony plates which serve the same purpose. Other species have a very small scale or no scale at all.

Body color

Although selective breeding has produced a number of unnatural colors and patterns, wild fish are colorful. Colors have an important role for fish. Some species rely on the lines or brown color that will be disguised and escape predators statement. other species using attractive colors to attract mates, while some species use the "eye-spot" for the disappointment which to attack predators. Mouth Cichlids African daydreaming often rely colored "egg-spots" for fertilization.

The color is determined by the pigments of fish and light reflection. Fish with a solid, dark color usually has a skin pigmentation, whereas species with silvery color games rely on light reflection. Some species can change their color, while the fish some consider a different color at night.

healthy fish is almost always more colorful than one unhealthy. To keep the fish in the form of color above, maintaining favorable conditions of water, eat different foods, and home with compatible tank friend. Some color-enhancing foods can help to bring out certain colors n fish. During territorial displays, during spawning season, and on the spawning, the color of most species increased.


Gills are organs by gas that is exchanged between the fish and surrounding water. Through the gills, fish can absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide carbon. Like the lungs, gills have a large area for gas exchange.

Some species have changed the gills and other organs so that they can air and extract oxygen atmosphere.

Because fresh water fish live in environments that they do, the water constantly passing on their bodies by osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from the area to an area of less soluble salts more soluble salt. This is the reason that the water penetrates into the body of the fish. Water outside is trying to dilute high salt concentrations in fish body. Therefore, freshwater fish are always out of water through their gills and never drink to keep the non-diluted salt body.

Mike from Canada added: "Yes, of each gill arch gill posterior emit soft and used in breathing and osmoregulation and all that, but the anterior face of the gill arch has, at varying levels, gill rakers Gill rakers bone point. forward and can be long and thin to eat filter or short, larger and fewer in number of items to catch larger prey in the oral cavity. "

Lateral Line

Lateral line organ is a series of fluid-filled channel that lies just below the scale. Lateral line system takes the vibrations in the water. So the fish is able to detect predators, find food, and navigate more efficiently. Many species of fish can navigate without vision in the dark or muddy water. Blind Cave Fish rely entirely on the lateral line system.

Swim bladder

Bladder swim bladder filled with air that is used to store fish in a state of neutral buoyancy where they do not sink or float. Thus the fish can sleep in the middle of the water. Numerous species of modified swim bladder to adjust their living habits. Some species can swallow air, which is passed to the swim bladder, where oxygen is excavation. This adaptation is very comfortable in the water deficiency of oxygen.

Freshwater fish

freshwater fish
Freshwater fish are fish that spend part or all of their lives in freshwater, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05%. This differs from the condition of the marine environment in many ways, the most obvious differences in levels of salinity. To survive fresh water, fish require a variety of physiological adaptations to maintain their balanced body ion concentrations.

41% of all fish species found in freshwater. This is mainly due to the rapid speciation is possible that scattered habitat. When dealing with ponds and lakes, people may use the same basic model, such as when studying speciation island biogeography.


freshwater fish differ physiologically from salt water fish in several ways. gill they should be able to relieve gas while keeping the salt dissolved in body fluids. they reduced the scale of diffusion of water through the skin: a freshwater fish that has lost too many will die scale. They also have well developed kidney to reclaim the salt from the body fluids before excretion.
Fish migration
Sturgeons are found either in the form of anadromous and fresh water stationary

Many fish species that breed in freshwater, but spend most of their adult lives at sea. This is known as anadromous fish, and include, for example, salmon, trout and three-spined stickleback. Several other fish species is, by contrast, was born in salt water but live most or part of their adult lives in freshwater, such as eels.

Species migrate between marine and fresh waters have good adaptation to the environment, when in the salt water they have to maintain the body's salt concentration at a lower level than its surroundings, and vice versa. Many species solve this problem by linking different habitats with different stages of life. Both eel, salmoniform anadromous fish and sea lampreys have a different tolerance in salinity at different stages of their lives.
North America

About four out of ten North American freshwater fish are threatened with extinction, according to a study on a pan-North America, the main cause is human pollution. The number of fish species and subspecies to be endangered species has increased 40-61, since 1989.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beauty of Marine

Enjoy the beauty of marine parks in the living room of your house? Why not? The development of technology and science, has provided invaluable benefits for those less daring or unable to dive (diving) to be able to enjoy the natural beauty under the sea in the living room of your home.

Marine parks in your house, in addition to providing added value to your home and status, are also capable of acting to contribute to science and knowledge you and your family especially our children, especially those related to maritime.

Why You Do not Try?

Hobiies marine aquarium is basically divided into two main groups. The first group-oriented hobbies into marine ornamental fish. This group, known MARINE FISH AQUARIA. The other group oriented to the coral reefs and corals known AQUARIA REEF. So, we know the special preserve marine aquarium marine ornamental fish and marine aquarium and reef corals special care.


We will ask, which contains only marine aquarium ornamental fish, anything interesting? if not in join with coral and reefs. And vice versa, we also will ask, marine aquarium with corals and reefs just what to pull? when not combined with ornamental fish. Is not the real marine park under the sea beauty is a combination of coral, corals and ornamental fish?

Then when you start to build a marine aquarium, its orientation to the marine reef fish or the corals? You certainly want your existing aquarium coral, coral and fish at a time (mixing orientation).
As we learn a science, whether it be English, Mathematics, Accounting, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and other knowledge. We must start from the beginning, the introduction phase, the basic / elementry, middle / intermediate and advanced / advanced. Similarly, marine aquarium hobiies this. Combining coral, coral and ornamental fish in an aquarium, a lesson in advanced / advanced.

Marine Aquarium Fish
Aquarium of the orientation of the marine ornamental fish, aquarium requires a wider space and deep. Fish is an active biota move / swim here and there, so the aquarium is large it will make them be like in the original habitat. In addition, ornamental fish is also the biota that causes the most pollution in our aquarium. Marine ornamental fish are beautiful, like Napoleon, Anularis Blue Line, Batmen, generally live at depths of 10 meters to 30 meters. At this depth, they certainly are not the same feed with ornamental fish which are at depths less than 2 meters. The fish that live at depths of 10 to 30 meters, they generally have to consume organisms that live at sea with a certain depth that is difficult to be provided on the ground and although there had been very expensive. Like the coral polyp, copepods, amphipods, dinoflagellates of the genus noctiluca, kinorhynch of the genus echinoderes, sea gooseberry - pleurobranchia pileus, comb jelly of the genus beroe, beroe Cucumis from phylum entoprocta, and others. They feed mostly derived from marine plankton in. Feed-feed largely exists as a result of raising water from deep sea to sea level known as upwelling. Sea water pressure at depths up to 30 meters already larger than the surface of the sea. The more nutrients into the sea fish necessary for developing the more encountered than the sea surface that often have been contaminated.

This information into the cause why the marine ornamental fish can not remain long in the aquarium. Indeed, marine fish such as sharks and rays malignant, often found in shallow peraliran. This they do only to find foods that are often found in shallow peraliran but even then at certain times when the tide rises.
From the information and discussions with experts in this field in the world, as is often the writers do with Anthony Calfo, Robert M. Metelsky, Terry Black, and others through Internet sites, rare marine aquarium which contains only the ornamental fish only. Aquarium so generally is a giant aquarium with a capacity of thousands of cubic liters of water like a big aquarium at Sea World in Jakarta or Singapore Under Water World, aquarium is generally only contains a huge fish such as sharks, rays, tuna, Kerapuh, Grouper and fish- Another big fish is not hard to give feed them, because their food is a rather small fish, prawns and meat. While ornamental reef fish such as napoleon beautiful color, betmen, anularis blue line, triggering flower, leadership, leadership, and other reef fish species are always combined with the corals that have a lot of overgrown plants and animals such as sponges corals, polyps, mushrooms and others. Tank also has a large, reaching into up to 3 meters. There is a long aquarium has reached 3 to 5 meters. From this information, we can conclude, that the marine aquarium for ornamental fish can still be divided into two major groups.

The first group of ornamental reef fish. This type of fish like angel fish, damselfish, Surgeon fish, butterfly fish, gobbies fish, banner fish, fox fish, frog fish, and others. This hobby group that same knowledge with aquarium hobbies coral / reefs. For such an aquarium design, apart from having more in also must meet the necessary requirements corals reef aquaria. Because this type of ornamental fish can not be separated from the living coral reefs.
Both groups were not ornamental reef fish. This type is like a shark, Pari, Tuna, Grouper, Scorpion fish, Kerapuh Tigers, dolphins, whales with a particular type, sea turtles, lobsters and others. Thus aquarium fish require a fairly large and deep. Usually hobbiesnya including the type of hard exclusive circles. This aquarium caves require a large rock at the bottom of tank. Generally, the depth reaches 5 feet. The length of the aquarium to reach 10 feet. Usually aquarium like this is a public aquarium like Sea World in Jakarta, Underwater World in Singapore, and a public aquarium in developed countries such as Australia, Japan, USA, Germany, Britain, Italy and other countries. This type of aquarium development process already requires special conditions. Not just anyone can do that big aquarium construction. Material of manufacture also special. If you are interested in making an aquarium of this magnitude, may have to bring in experts from abroad.

Aquarium Reef Corals
Marine aquarium orientation to the coral and reefs (Reef Corals) require a longer aquarium. Not so deep. Ideal width of 70 to 80 cm. When the aquarium reaches 3 meters in length, width should be 1 meter. The height of a coral aquarium / reef very big influence on lighting / lighting. The depth of less than 60 cm, the lighting is still adequate with Ball NEON TL (fluorescent) standard output. When into the water 60 cm to 70 cm, it is advisable to use Neon TL (fluorescent) type Very High Output (VHO). When the depth of more than 70 cm, should you use metal halide lamps, at least 150 watts. The length and height aquarium aquarium also affect the thickness of the glass aquarium, by itself affect your budget to build the aquarium. ligus as the basic filter (undergravel filters) my friend the aquarium.

Corals reef aquarium, how to setup the contents of an aquarium requires a bit more special. Layer of sand, broken coral in the aquarium base should be thick enough to turn on organisms at the base of the aquarium that will be expected to create a balanced and harmonious ecosystem in the aquarium. The composition of the live rock must also be arranged in such a way, because the live rock that many organisms and algae that are expected to thrive in our aquarium to become a consistent contributor to natural food for corals and reef animals in the aquarium. Coral aquarium can also be included ornamental reef fish. But we must know, some ornamental fish which we combine into the aquarium corals are predators for plants and animals these reefs. Like the kind of leadership-leadership and angelfish, coral polyps are the main feed. So not surprisingly, leadership-leadership and angelfish can survive long in the aquarium coral, but the negative effects of some plants and animals in the aquarium will be bare rock / out preyed upon by these ornamental fish. Hobbies type of reef corals always avoid this type of fish to be merged into the tank.

Aquarium Reef Corals development cost, system and equipment is very expensive. Lighting systems (lighting system), filtrasinya system (filtration system), circulation of water such as tidal, wave, and flow (water movement system: tidals, waves, flow of water), feeding and nutrition (feed & nutrition) everything should be designed such a way that resembles the actual conditions of marine nature. In short, corals reef aquarium hobbies, should be an expert an expert to manipulate the conditions in the aquarium is identical with the actual conditions of marine nature.

Before You Choose
After understanding the types of marine aquarium hobbies, you can take your own conclusions, if you want to combine marine ornamental fish and coral reef in the aquarium, it should be what? Of course the answer is, you have mastered all of the good old fish and coral and reefs hiasnya, even more so you have to learn in depth the behavior and his favorite types of ornamental fish, coral and reefs, Which is the predator and which became simbiosisnya which could merged and which ones do not. Which is kill each other and which support each other. Feed each of them how, and how to provide it how.

Before you choose your marine aquarium where orientation, of course you should consider carefully: Location of your aquarium, how big the size of aquarium you want, the tools they acquired in derah aquarium easy is you, such as sea water for example? You want to start an amateur (use the equipment as it is / was made its own by using materials around us) or you will start this in a professional aquarium system (use sophisticated equipment that they need to be imported from developed countries such as Germany, USA, Japan or the UK).
All that we described above, would eventually lead to the ability of your finances. Your financial investment must be able to reach the first (when building a new aquarium and equipment main-gear) and routine maintenance, including replacement of equipment that is past the time period of usage, diet, nutrition, water and other sea. It is very important, when a jammed middle of the road, this system will fall apart, eventually the contents of your aquarium should be replaced with louhan fish, or arowana discus really too bad is not it?

Hobbies marine aquarium, can not rely solely on the number of money alone, but the farther you also must have the intention to learn all the knowledge related to the hobby this one, zoology, marine ecology, marine ecosystems, marine biology, chemistry, physics, electro and knowledge other related. Hobbies include multidimensional knowledge. Abroad, even in developed countries like the USA, GERMANY, JAPAN, ENGLAND, has a lot of standing high school and university faculty or program that has graduated to the majors hobby this one. Online on-internet, call it Coral Realm.

Marine aquarium hobby is a fun hobby, exclusive, luxurious and expensive. But not all people who have a lot of money, able to present a beautiful marine park in his home. Hobbies marine aquarium, besides having a lot of money also must have good knowledge about the sea and life. Ornamental fish only, or Coral and coral only, or both at once ornamental fish and coral reefs, this option is not easily answered just like that. You have to know much about the marine ornamental fish, coral and reefs. And you also have to know the extent of your financial ability. Wrong choices can make your marine aquarium ultimately only be content with ornamental freshwater fish only.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A few Aquarium maintenance

aquarium maintenance
Every time the children are required to keep animals in a way I have always refused to ask for their pledge to be responsible. No matter how strong the desire to keep animals, willingness to care for fixed term appointments because it was too heavy for them (which may be spelled many elements of lazy). Because children love, finally accomplished also have a pet. By considering the minimum of maintenance, the choice fell to the fish.

Aquarium complete with basic decor of black sand, white sand, stone, and 2 species of water plants. To cause water circulation is important to include oxygen, used a small pump that can be soaked; excellent pump technology is capable of playing without creating noise. In addition to allowing water capture oxygen from the surface, this seems like the circulation of fish. In addition, the circulation direction parallel to the front glass aquarium fish are always in a position to make the side. Right view when I was on top, and the left side when they are under the aquarium.

At first we bought 2 penguin slayer (like Wader given a black line extends to the body), 4 lemon guppy (small fish with yellow world, lots to eat and lots of dirt), 4 neon tetra (such as cetul blue line), and 2 painted glass fish . I think the glass is only the most unique paint fish. fish meat that is transparent so it looks skeletal. Following the suggestion seller, which I eat fish Tropical Flake. One plastic bottle costs $ 1, - for about 1 month. Never forget to eat until a few days it turns out that fish survive by eating moss.

Our first few months, precisely my own, still diligently drain; replace water once a week. Finally bored also change the water every week. It gradually became rare until the new water replaced once a month. Usually within one week of moss has grown both in the wall or on the rocks and plants. Through the aquarium one week can not be enjoyed at all. With this water persecution plants started to rot and ideas to stop the maintenance of fish began to appear.

In a state of "critical" I remember on one type of fish that supposedly can help us clean the aquarium fish named broom. With a heavy heart, because of boredom, I decided to remove all decorations aquarium (sand, black rocks and water ). Thus the work becomes much easier to drain. Bored with the atmosphere of quiet, my wife entered the white stone. With neon lighting replaced with red and white (at the time to buy because the old dead, happened in the shop where I bought a white fluorescent lights out), the aquarium again be enjoyed. In addition, the collection comes with two broom fish.

Apparently fish brooms works very well. The past three months I never drain / clean aquarium. I do not know when he works because every time people see, this fish has always taken the position of hiding. Every now and then I saw this fish moving very slowly, by attaching a broom (a widened lip) in wall aquarium, but as soon as this fish back into hiding when seeing people who watch it. What is clear aquarium wall looks clean. In fact, I rarely see any good in wall aquarium moss, rocks and walls of water pumps. Incredible! Since there are fish brooms, as yet even though I clean the aquarium. Every time there is intention, always fail because the condition of the aquarium. Still looked clean, why bother cleaning? Currently, two penguin slayer, 6 neon tetra, 2 red guppy, and a fish brooms living in harmony and a portion without disturbing anyone.

Saturday, December 4, 2010