Every time the children are required to keep animals in a way I have always refused to ask for their pledge to be responsible. No matter how strong the desire to keep animals, willingness to care for fixed term appointments because it was too heavy for them (which may be spelled many elements of lazy). Because children love, finally accomplished also have a pet. By considering the minimum of maintenance, the choice fell to the fish.
Aquarium complete with basic decor of black sand, white sand, stone, and 2 species of water plants. To cause water circulation is important to include oxygen, used a small pump that can be soaked; excellent pump technology is capable of playing without creating noise. In addition to allowing water capture oxygen from the surface, this seems like the circulation of fish. In addition, the circulation direction parallel to the front glass aquarium fish are always in a position to make the side. Right view when I was on top, and the left side when they are under the aquarium.
At first we bought 2 penguin slayer (like Wader given a black line extends to the body), 4 lemon guppy (small fish with yellow world, lots to eat and lots of dirt), 4 neon tetra (such as cetul blue line), and 2 painted glass fish . I think the glass is only the most unique paint fish. fish meat that is transparent so it looks skeletal. Following the suggestion seller, which I eat fish Tropical Flake. One plastic bottle costs $ 1, - for about 1 month. Never forget to eat until a few days it turns out that fish survive by eating moss.
Our first few months, precisely my own, still diligently drain; replace water once a week. Finally bored also change the water every week. It gradually became rare until the new water replaced once a month. Usually within one week of moss has grown both in the wall or on the rocks and plants. Through the aquarium one week can not be enjoyed at all. With this water persecution plants started to rot and ideas to stop the maintenance of fish began to appear.
In a state of "critical" I remember on one type of fish that supposedly can help us clean the aquarium fish named broom. With a heavy heart, because of boredom, I decided to remove all decorations aquarium (sand, black rocks and water ). Thus the work becomes much easier to drain. Bored with the atmosphere of quiet, my wife entered the white stone. With neon lighting replaced with red and white (at the time to buy because the old dead, happened in the shop where I bought a white fluorescent lights out), the aquarium again be enjoyed. In addition, the collection comes with two broom fish.
Apparently fish brooms works very well. The past three months I never drain / clean aquarium. I do not know when he works because every time people see, this fish has always taken the position of hiding. Every now and then I saw this fish moving very slowly, by attaching a broom (a widened lip) in wall aquarium, but as soon as this fish back into hiding when seeing people who watch it. What is clear aquarium wall looks clean. In fact, I rarely see any good in wall aquarium moss, rocks and walls of water pumps. Incredible! Since there are fish brooms, as yet even though I clean the aquarium. Every time there is intention, always fail because the condition of the aquarium. Still looked clean, why bother cleaning? Currently, two penguin slayer, 6 neon tetra, 2 red guppy, and a fish brooms living in harmony and a portion without disturbing anyone.
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