Tank Setup:
You can use at least 20 gallon aquarium as a breeding aquarium.Try not to add substrate to tank.Also add broad fine leaved plants or vertical spawning slates which act as spawning sites for discus fish.During the time of spawning the pair may get aggressive so provide lots of hiding spots in aquarium.

Water quality and Food
Maintain the water quality of aquarium at its peak other wise pair may not spawn.So change 5 % 10% of water daily.The level of nitrogenous waste should be maintained at 0 level.Give them diet rich in protein that is basically live food.Also maintain variation in diet so no particular nutrient is missed out. Set the temperature to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

When the pair decide to spawn they choose a spawning site in the tank.It may be leaves of plants or the vertical slate or any other place.Now they will start cleaning the surface so that they can lay eggs on it.Now the female will lay eggs on the slates and later on male will fertilize them.They will lay eggs once in a week and this process may carried out for few months. The eggs will hatch in about 48 hours and fry will become free swimmer in 72 hours.You don't need to separate parents from fry as they secrete a kind of liquid their body on which fry feeds.
Fry care

The growing fry needs larger space to grow.Also can't be allowed to feed on their parents body for longer time.Once they are capable of living independent they should be immediately moved to new aquarium.So when fry get older at a age of 2-3 weeks shift them in their new home.Discus fry need food 5-6 times a day.You can give them baby brine shrimps , micro worms, crushed blood worms.Follow the basics rule as don't overfeed them remove the uneaten food if possible and change 5%-10% of water every day.Hope you will carry out successful discus breeding .Good Luck.
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