Neon tetra is one of the popular aquarium fishes.Whenever you go to aquarium shop you eye may stuck up on aquarium having lots of small blue , red horizontal striped fishes.Which are looking extremely beautiful in group. With the change of angle of view you will find that their color also changes which is one of the reason of popularity of neon tetras. They have horizontal blue strip running from nose to the base of adipose fin and red strip running from middle of the body to the base of caudal fin.These fish are completely transparent except of these markings.During night these strips become silver by the time fish rest and become coloured again in the morning again.These are cheap and easily available.
Neon tetras are shoaling species and you should put them in a group of 10 or more.The more bigger is the group the more beauty it will add to your aquarium.These fishes will add activity and color to your tank.Don't add 1-2 because they may feel threatened and nervous and may loose their color.These fishes loves plant allot and like to hide under their leaves whenever feel threatened.So add lots of live plants and hiding spots.Don't put them with large fishes or aggressive fishes like angel or other otherwise they will eat them or bully them.These are peaceful and can live with other fishes of same size. They love nitrate free water change 25 % of water once in a week.
Temperature : 21 to 27 degree Celsius(70 - 81 degree Fahrenheit)
Size of tank: At least 10 gallons
Size : 1 inch
Diet : omnivorous , can eat brine shrimps , daphnia ,most flake food.
pH: 5 - 7
Breeding : Egg scatterer
lifespan : 5 years +
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