Monday, May 16, 2011

distinguish between male and female rainbow fish

For carry out breeding it is essential to distinguish between male and female rainbow fish.It is quite confusing in its early stage means when they are young .Especially when you brought them from aquarium shop.But as the time passes the males starts developing vibrant color as compared to female.By looking at their colors you can say which one is male and which one is female.Female seems to have dull color as compared to males.You can also tell by looking at their dorsal and anal fin.Males tends to have longer dorsal and anal fin as compared to females.In males generally first dorsal fin reaches to the second and even extends it then it might be a male rainbow fish.The above one is male and below one is female.

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rainbow fish care

If you watch a healthy and adult rainbow fish you can easily guess why they
are called so.They are generally small and highly coloured fishes.
Some species may limit their size upto 5 cm while some may grew upto 20
cm you can ask aquarium dealer about this.Rainbow fishe's magnificent color
may rival may marine fishes.When they are present in the aquarium shop they may not attaract buyer because they may lack color aur may seem dull. But this is due the reason that

they are overcrowded and fairly small.They can't develop colours if they are present in
crowded aquarium.They are quite shy fishes and love to hide.If not provided hiding spots
they may get stress.Stress is one of the reason for their dull color.These are schooling fishes
and must be present in group of 6 or more.To attaract female rainbow fish they develop colors so when they
are present in group they have to compete for female by developing magnificent colors.

These are peaceful species and should be kept with other peaceful species of same size.
put live and fake plants in aquarium they will love it because their natural habitat is also

Give your fish food 2-3 times per day .The feeding time should be between 3-5 minutes.
If food is present even after 5 minutes it means you are overfeeding them.
YOu fish may eat alomost everything but doesn't give them flake food all the time
.Keep on changing their diet give them mosquito larvae ,fruit flies for protein
an give them vegtable base food too.Set
the temperature between 72 to 82 degrees farenheit.
Provide them lot of swimming space and mostly put them in long aquarium with lot of hiding space.

TEMPERATURE: 27-30 degrees Celsius, about 80 degrees farenheit.

Size :5-20 cm depending on type

Life span: 4 years

breeding: egg layers

pH: 6.5- 7.5

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

African glass catfish,African catfish Pictures,African catfish

African glass catfish,African catfish Pictures,African catfish

The African catfish is farmed in concrete basins in Africa. Farming started in early 1970´s as field trials did show that African Catfish is a fastgrowing fish which is very robust. African catfish tolerates a large variety of feedstuffs and is very resistant to changing and suboptimal water conditions. It is found to be able to being farmed in high densities reaching production levels of 6-16 MT/ha on an annual basis when raised in monocultures and fed high quality fish feed.

Most of the African Catfish is sold alive into the market. The African catfish are harvested at an age of 6 to 8 month having a weight of 200-300g.

The meat of African catfish is mildly flavoured and has a tender texture If heavy and continuous overfeeding occurs phytoplankton growth will bloom which occasionally leads to a muddy flavour of the meat.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

how to distinguish between male and female neon tetra

To carry out breeding of neon tetras it is very important to distinguish between male and female.To that breeding can be carried out systematically and effectively. This is quite easy to differentiate between male and female neon tetras.Females have more rounder and bigger belly as compared to males.The blue line on the body of males will be straight while blue line on females seems to bent because of their round body.When female carries eggs her belly size increases and she looks even more thicker. The above one is female while below one is male.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

neon tetra fish breeding at home

Neon tetra breeding is quite complicated.They can be breed at nine month of age.It is hard job for especially for beginners.However it is possible.This is one of the reason why neon tetra are imported in U.S.A.However you can school of neon tetras can produce hundreds of eggs in month.The female gets ready to spawn in every 2 weeks.However many eggs fail to develop and eggs or fry get eaten by other members or parents.But you can get success if you do it correctly.

You will need separate breeding tank:

For breeding neon tetra you will need separate breeding tank.So that as soon as eggs will get fertilized you should be able to remove parents as quickly as possible.Get 10 gallon tank for breeding.The tank should not contain any gravel or sand. You can use rock to cover the bottom at least of 2-3 inches.You should have lid to cover the aquarium else neon tetra may jump during spawning.Remove any other fish or snail else they will eat the eggs .It advised to sterilise the items you add in the tank by boiling them to 20 minutes..Add fine textured aquatic plant.Put rainwater if possible or pour aged water.Run filter in aged water to built beneficial bacteria colonies.Put sponge filter at very slow rate with closed tight ends..Add the male and female tetras in evening.You can add breeding mop to tank.Some aquarist let the level of nitrogen rise and then change 50 % of water to simulate rain.As this happens in Amazon

It is observed that neon tetras spawn in morning time.Use a dim light or cover the aquarium to exclude extra light.Eggs are light sensitive and may get damaged in light. Set the heater to 70 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.Feed them live food half of the time to induce spawning you can give them mosquito larvae or worms or brine shrimps.

Observe the spawning behaviour:
The male neon tetra will court the female by swimming around her in square pattern using short jerky movements by periods of motion less.The reduced girth of female and the decrease in interest level of both in each other will show you that the spawning is completed .You can see eggs if you look closely.After it remove the parents from the tank.They may give 40- 50 eggs in captivity.But not all eggs will turn into fry. The eggs are will hatch in 24 to 30 hrs.In 3-4 days fry will become free swimmers .


Neon tetra eggs are very small and you can feed them infusoria . Infusoria will serve the need however you can give them rotifers and egg yolk for 1 - 4 weeks.After hatching 2 weeks later , change the 20% of water every other day.After one month they will star displaying colors.

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neon tetra fish care

Neon tetra is one of the popular aquarium fishes.Whenever you go to aquarium shop you eye may stuck up on aquarium having lots of small blue , red horizontal striped fishes.Which are looking extremely beautiful in group. With the change of angle of view you will find that their color also changes which is one of the reason of popularity of neon tetras. They have horizontal blue strip running from nose to the base of adipose fin and red strip running from middle of the body to the base of caudal fin.These fish are completely transparent except of these markings.During night these strips become silver by the time fish rest and become coloured again in the morning again.These are cheap and easily available.

Neon tetras are shoaling species and you should put them in a group of 10 or more.The more bigger is the group the more beauty it will add to your aquarium.These fishes will add activity and color to your tank.Don't add 1-2 because they may feel threatened and nervous and may loose their color.These fishes loves plant allot and like to hide under their leaves whenever feel threatened.So add lots of live plants and hiding spots.Don't put them with large fishes or aggressive fishes like angel or other otherwise they will eat them or bully them.These are peaceful and can live with other fishes of same size. They love nitrate free water change 25 % of water once in a week.

Temperature : 21 to 27 degree Celsius(70 - 81 degree Fahrenheit)

Size of tank: At least 10 gallons

Size : 1 inch

Diet : omnivorous , can eat brine shrimps , daphnia ,most flake food.

pH: 5 - 7

Breeding : Egg scatterer

lifespan : 5 years +

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how to breed guppy fish at home

Since guppy fish are live bearers these are relatively easy to breed as compared to egg layers fishes.For breeding you will need a healthy pair of guppy fishes. If you are using one male per female then there may be chances that male will stress out females for breeding attempt.So in this case provide lots of hiding places for female. Or you can put 3 females per male.Then in second case you may get 3 pregnant guppies.When males and females are present together then they will surely breed.Sometimes it is observed that females are already pregnant when you buy them from aquarium shop.You can tell it by looking at belly if you find dark spot known as gravid spot then female guppy is already pregnant.

The tank should be 10 gallons or more.Set the temperature to 77 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit .Provide them protein rich food , live food will be the best choice but other will also do fairly well.Change the 25 % of water per week to encourage breeding.The gestation period of female is about one month then she will release 10-40 babies in 1-2 hrs.The female are capable of giving birth for many months even in absence of males.When female is about to give birth then her belly will become thick and you can see gravid spot.Also you can notice some change in behaviour that is she may eat less food or move slowly.

If you are having only one main tank.
If you are having only one main tank .Then there may be high chances that the new born babies will get eaten by the mother or other fishes.However mother is not interested in eating till she give birth to all babies it may take about 1 hour.So you have further choices.

If you are having fairly large aquarium then you can provide lots of hiding places by adding fake or live plants.You can add java moss or java fern.Add floating type plants and remember the other fish should not be able to see or access the babies.Remove the gravels before hand because fry may die if gravels fall on them.You can use spawning mop to provide hide out and caves made up of rock and marble chips.

if you want to go for another option there is 2 other equipment available in market known as breeding box and breeding net.Breeding box is plastic chamber in which you can put the pregnant female .While she give birth the babies enter to another chamber present at the bottom of it through the holes while mother guppy can not.Here you have to put the female while she is giving the birth or before hand.Here you need not to be present .The other option is breeding net.It is box made up of net and it can be attached to the Wall of aquarium.You can put the females in it but you need to be present because here babies will be present with the mother.When she complete giving birth then move her to main tank.The breeding net will provide protection from adult fishes.The breeding net should be present where proper temperature and water circulation is maintained.

If you are having separate tank.
Then put the breeding pair in separate tank .When female give birth to babies after that remove back the female to main aquarium.The size of this separate tank must be 5 gallon or more.Remember not to add gravels and use sponge filter .If you are using any other powerful pump then they may get sucked up in pump or filter.So decrease their power or tight their ends.So they may not get sucked up.If you have moved the fry from main tank then add water of main tank and try to maintain same parameter as of main tank .Do water changes 50 per week is enough or 25% per 3-4 day.

Feeding and Care of Fry:
Feed the fry brine shrimps , newly hatched daphnia or you can give them hard boiled egg's yolk the yellow portion of egg.Form a thick paste of egg yolk then add very tiny amount of it.Try not to add it in extra amount , if possible remove the remaining food from aquarium other wise it may spoil.But doing so don't harm the babies.Or you cab crush the flake food then form a paste then give to guppy fry.Give them 4-5 times in a day but in very small amount.As i have told you earlier cover any suction device if present.Switch on the light for 14 to 16 hours only.Set the temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

Species of Golden fish

A variety of charming golden fish for our vision, and not ending they dazzle and delight our eyes.
There are several varieties of golden fish unique unique and funny, golden fish is freshwater fish ...
Just Sharing info ...

1.Bubble Eye / Suihogan Goldfish:
Unique species of goldfish that comes from China these have eyes pointing upwards and 2 large bags filled with fluid, these fish have no fin on his back, goldfish can grow 6 -8 inches.

2.Ranchu Goldfish:

golden fish rabchu yellow
Goldfish with an unusual appearance is referred to as the "king of gold fish" by the Japanese. Ranchu is the result of cross breeding experiments that differ from Lionhead China. These fish have no fin on, and have many colors such as orange, red, white, red-and-white, blue, black, black-and-white, black-and-red, pale fish with yellow bodies and red heads are very rare and rare.

3.Butterfly tail / Jikin Goldfish:

Beautiful and adorable but rare, jikin believed from Japan. The most prominent characteristic is
tail which has the form X. long tail has a distinctive bow tie, or torpedo-shaped cigar.
White body with the lips, red fins and gills. can grow to 9 inches.
Another name is the tail of the Peacock and Rokuri.

4.Telescope Eye / Demekin Goldfish:


This species has large eyes and unique, this variation is red, red and white, calico, black and white, brown, blue, lavender, chocolate-and-blue and black color.
They may also sometimes have a metallic scales. Although his eyes big, bad eyesight and better not mixed a aquarium with other types of agile and placed in akurium without pointy objects.

5.Oranda Goldfish:



Ornamental, unique goldfish from China and Japan, characterized by a hood like raspberries dikepalanya.
Goldfish are very famous all over the world, and have a great body with 4 long tails

6.Celestial Eye / Choten gan Goldfish:

One of the odd goldfish from China and Korea.Mata goldfish is like a telescope eye goldfish, but pointing upwards The body is shaped like a torpedo fish, and no fins on.

7.Lionchu/Lionhead Goldfish:

Unique goldfish is a goldfish that has no fins on the Thai and the result of cross breeding between lionheads and ranchus. Has a great body, wide and curved to the rear and a large head.

8.Ryukin Golfish:

Brightly colored goldfish and withdraw from Japan is a fin that amount 2 times the body length, snout is pointed and his back bent Ryukin have colors like maroon, red and white, white, metallic and calico color. A good aquarium maintenance in these fish can reach up to 8 inches or 21 cm.
Another nickname is Ribbontail Japan, Fringetail, Fantail or Veiltail

9.Calico/Nacreous Goldfish:


Goldfish named Calico or Nacreous has a mix of metallic and transparent color scales that give the impression of pearls.
Calico can grow to 12 inchi.Coraknya consist of patches of red, yellow, gray and black with dark spots and blue.

10.PomPom/Hanafusa Goldfish:

Hanafusa have flesh that grows like a pom pom around his nose, his body like Lionhead, but that grows is her nose, and sometimes even have flesh that grows up through the lower jaw

11.Chinsurin / Pearlscale Goldfish:

Goldfish this one punysa scales speckled spots and colored pearls,
originated from Japan and called Chinsurin

Unique Facts about Golden Fish :
* Digestive goldfish is very simple, and very hard to digest protein
* Chef goldfish can change the color of the body, according to the place where they are stored or maintained
* Goldfish chef produces pigment when exposed to light. If the fish Mas placed in the dark, he would seemingly be brighter in the morning, and when repeatedly placed in a dark place, then the goldfish will lose its color.
* Chef goldfish can grow up to maximum length of 58.42cm and weighs 4.5 kg
* Goldfish chef longest ever measured 47.7 cm long, from snout to tail, in the Netherlands
* Chef goldfish can live to 20 years, but pet goldfish only live 6 to 8 years (healthy lifestyle ga ya?)
* Chef's oldest goldfish ever recorded 49-year-old
* Chef can live goldfish in the pond surface freezes, long as there is enough oxygen and water is not fully hardened
* In Italy there are laws that prohibit the use of goldfish as prizes carnival
* In Rome prohibited from maintaining a goldfish in a jar, because according to them very cruelly confining fish in a place like that.

Source :

difference between male and female guppy

Is is quite easy to distinguish between male and female guppy fish.Male guppy fish are more colorful as compared to females and have larger fins as compared to females.The most easy way to tell the difference is by looking to their anal fin.The males have more pointed and developed anal fin know as gonapodium which is used to pass sperms to females while females have broader anal fin look like fan.Females are larger and much rounder then males.The above one is male while below one is female.

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guppy fish care

The guppy fish are one of the most popular aquarium fishes.These are small in size and are available in wide ranges of color.Females are 4-6 cm long while males are 2.5 -3.5 cm long.
These are very cheap but some types may be expensive.These are live bearers which means they directly give birth to babies just like molly fish.They require less water as compared to other fish.You can put 1 inch of guppy in per gallon of water.They can eat wide range of food live as well as frozen.You can give them brine shrimps , tropical flakes , floating type food , blood worms .Give them 2-3 times per day.Don't over feed them.If food is still present for 3 minutes that means that you are overfeeding them.Guppies are peaceful by nature but sometime may become territorial.Put them in a group of 5 or more.
They like brackish water so put 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water.They can survive in wide range of temperature 23 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius. Provide them lots of hiding places and live plants to decrease stress on them.Try to put 2 -3 females per male because male may chase female for breeding and females will get exhausted and may die.Change about 25 % of water once in a week.Do not mix any large fish other wise guppy will serve as food for them and also don't put them with any fin nipping fish.
Breeding: live bearers like molly fish

Food:Omnivorous may eat almost anything

Temperature:23- 30 degree Celsius

Lifespan:3-5 years

Size: 1 to 2.5 inches

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

difference between male and female angelfish

This is quite confusing to tell difference between male and female angelfish.You can get idea by looking at their body feature but this is not 100 percent valid until you wait for spawning time.
Generally it is observed that male angelfish have more rounded crown or area right above their eyes.Males grow faster as compared to females.Males have more fatty and robust body ascompared to female.Females have straighter line of their dorsal , or top fin , to their eyes

By observing their behaviour you can again get some idea.Males show their papilla when the females are around.

Papilla:This is pencil point size pink organ which is located between ventral and anal fin of angelfish .Above picture is of male.

This is generally observed near the spawning period.The female will show bulge in this area when she is gravid that is carrying eggs. While the females papilla is more blunt and wider.

During spawning females lays eggs on tilted flat surface and then males will touch the eggs with its papilla.

Note:If no males are present then 2 females may spawn together.So look for the size of papilla .If this happens then soon eggs will turn white.

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how to breed freshwater angelfish

For successful breeding you require a healthy pair of angel fish.But before spawning it is very difficult to decide which one is male and which one is female.Until you look them at the time of spawning while watching female laying eggs and male fertilizing them and noticing their size of papilla .Male's papilla is small while females papilla is wide and blunt.

So you need a pair of angel fish.
The best way to do it is get 8-10 young angel fish and put them in 50 gallon tank.The height of tank should be about 18 inches.When they get their size of about 1.5-2 inches in diameter or at a age of 1 year, they will pair off themselves,and they will select a territory and chase other fish way.This is a sign that pair is formed now move this pair to separate tank.From a group of 10 you may get 3-4 pairs.

You may need about 20 gallon tank and 18 inches high.Maintain regular water changes.The water temperature of angel fish should be kept between 80 - 85 degree F( 27 to 29 degree Celsius) .Give them good quality of food rich of protein like daphinia,beef heart brine shrimps, mosquito larvae etc.Five minute of feeding is enough. If food is left even after 5 minute then remove it.If female become aggressive and having bulging belly then she may be carrying eggs.To angel fish grooming each other is also a sign that they are going to spawn .Before spawning they show their papilla .Papilla is a Small pink organ present near their anal fin.They also lock their lips and twist around.When they are ready they choose a site to lay eggs which may be any flat surface or broad leaves of aquarium plants and they will star it cleaning.You can put spawning slate so they lay eggs.
Now the female will deposit eggs on the slate or at any other place such as plant's leaves.The male angelfish will fertilize them by touching eggs with its papilla.If their is no male present then other female may do the same but this will not result is fertilization and soon eggs will turn white.

After fertilization
If their are other fishes also in the same tank then they may eat the eggs during the night.However the pair of angelfish tries to protect their eggs.So you must replace other fishes from the tank where angelfish pair is present or you should have put pair in separate tank before spawning.Sometimes it is also observed that parents may eat their eggs and sometimes they protect.So you must take a note on that.You can put a spawning slate,or piece of marble,or smooth tile.This will help to move the eggs to separate tank.You can put a pot in tank then move slate or eggs to that pot without taking out them of water. Because eggs may not survive on air exposure.Now move that pot counting water and eggs from tank to another tank.
After about 48 hrs eggs will start showing fry tails.On third day you can see their yolk sacks.These will be still attached to the slate or leaf.If the parents are in still in the same tank they may start moving small fry.After a week you will find them swimming freely now they will need food.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

freshwater angelfish care

Freshwater angelfish are one of my favourite aquarium fish.These are extremely beautiful creature because of there shape and personality.Angelfish are laterally compressed with 2 long fins coming out from top and bottom.Is is quite elegant wathcing them swimming.Sometimes they even have vertical stripes their body.They are quite and calm by nature but sometimes get excited during feeding or spawning time.You may find them easily at your surrounding aquarium shop and they are quite cheap too.But don't get fooled by their size while they are in aquarium shop.They keep them in small size but they can grow upto size of 6 inches.They have long lifespan of over 10 years if you provide them good water and food.They are quite intelligent,because they know their feeding time.They are omnivorous and can eat tropical flakes, daphnia or brine shrimps,plant matter or sometimes their tank mates if they are small .Also don't put them with fin niping fishes such as tetras and barbs.You can put 1 adult fish per 5 gallons or more.They are available in wide variety.Growing angel fish may need 3-4 time of food per day.Change 25% of water per week.
Size : 6inches

Lifespan :10 years

Diet : Omnivorous

Temperature : 74 to 84 degree fareinheit

Water : pH should be 6.5 to 7.5

Breeding : egg layers

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